Autumn Leaves

Hello bloggers 🙂 I’m a day late at posting Day 3’s writing 101 prompt – but I wasn’t in the mood yesterday. I just felt like doing nothing – not in the relaxed kind of way, more in a frustrated kind of way.

That’s the topic for another day, so lets just ignore that fact for now. The challenge was to use a picture from and write a post on it, similar to the one word prompts. Here is the poem I cam up with, using the following picture as reference –

Falling – sailing and drifting
Along the sweet caress
Gently swaying
Fluttering along the way.

Touching the ground
With lazy intent,
Colour spreads all around
‘Touch down!’ – yells a mighty drop
Creating ripples
In a mighty ocean

(Picture credit:

I’ve chosen a picture of autumn leaves falling, but managed to compose a piece of poetry – which is not what you’d usually expect to hear next to the word ‘autumn’. The falling leaves can be related to the impact the life of a person creates in their world, maybe universe even. It may be difficult to appreciate the person you are, but it’s a risk worth taking – especially if you’re terrified by it. Uniqueness is unparalleled.

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